About Us


The Executive is the legislative and administrative body of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 363. The Executive is responsible for the general supervision, management and conducts of the Local's business, funds and property. The Executive also carries out the provisions of the CUPE Constitution and Bylaws of the Local and adopts, subject to membership approval, agreements and measures calculated to advance and protect the rights, interest and welfare of the Local and its members.

President: Joel Martin

  • Has worked for the city since 2010.
  • Is currently in the Public Works Department as a Carpenter.
  • Joel was the Local's past Vice President for and now the Local's President for 2025.
The President is the Local’s elected leader and responsible for:

  • Enforcing the CUPE Constitution and the Local's Bylaws.
  • Presiding at all membership and Executive meetings.
  • Deciding on all points of order and procedure.
  • Filling committee vacancies where elections are not provided for.
  • Introducing new members and conducting them through the initiation ceremony.
  • Identifying problems affecting the members and proposing strategies for dealing with these problems.
  • Ensuring that the membership is informed about the activities of the local union, the settlements negotiated by other locals and the programs, campaigns of CUPE and the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC).
  • Knowing how the members feel about issues to properly represent them.
  • Developing, justifying and presenting concrete ways of dealing with the problems experienced by the membership when facing the employer.
  • Encouraging others to get involved and ensuring that all officers perform their assigned duties.
  • Motivating the Executive and committee members, stewards and the membership.

Vice President: Meghan MacIsaac

  • Has worked for the city since 2011.
  • Currently works in the Parks, Recreation and Culture Department as a Recreation & Facility Program Coordinator. 
  • Since 2022, Meghan has been a Shop Steward and part of the Communications Committee and is now part of the Local's Executive as the Vice President.
The Vice President is the President's understudy and assistant and is responsible for:

  • Performing the responsibilities and duties of the President as assigned or in the absence of the President.

 Recording Secretary: Katy Mills

  • Has worked for the city since 2021.
  • Currently works in the Parks Recreation & Culture Department as an Administrative Receptionist..
  • Since 2023, Katy has been a part of  the Local's Executive as the Recording Secretary.
The Recording Secretary is responsible for:

  • Record keeping and written communication.
  • Keeping the members informed about what activities the local is doing to deal with problems.
  • Keeping and maintaining records of decisions.

Secretary Treasurer: Lara Davis

  • Has worked for the city since 2023 
  • Currently works in the Parks, Recreation & Culture Department as the Facility Booking Clerk.
  • Lara is new to the Local’s Secretary Treasurer position as of 2024!
The Secretary Treasurer is responsible for:

  • The local's money.
  • Seeing that spending priorities reflect the local's goals and that the money is spent in accordance with the wishes of the membership.
  • Seeing that dues income is sufficient to carry out activities needed to advance the members interests.

Lead Shop Steward: Richard Zimmer

  • Has worked for the city since 2021.
  • Currently works in the Utilities Department as a Utility Operator.
  • Richard has been a representative of the Local in the Chief Shop Steward position since 2023.
The Lead Shop Steward is responsible for:

  • Policing the collective agreement and reporting any violations to the President.
  • Investigating and processing all grievances.
  • Attending grievance committee meetings.
  • Maintaining the grievance files and report the status of all grievances to the Executive.

Sergeant-at-Arms: Steve Olsson

  • Has worked for the city since 1995.
  • Currently works in the Public Works Department as a Heavy Equipment Operator.
  • Steve has continued to be involved with the local since 2017.
The Sergeant-at-Arms is responsible for:

  • Guarding the inner door at membership meetings and admit no one but members in
    good standing or officers and officials of CUPE, except on the order of the President
    and by consent of the members present.
  • Assisting in maintaining the record of membership attendance at meetings.
  • Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Executive from time to

CUPE BC Regional Office

Staff Representative: Rachel Champagne

Staff representatives support locals by:

  • Providing advice on bargaining, grievance handling, political action campaigns and on union administration.
  • Acting as the spokes people at negotiations and at the final stage of the grievance procedure and at arbitration hearings.
  • Coordinating activities with other CUPE locals.
  • Coordinating local union involvement in campaigns to lobby politicians.
  • Working with locals to implement decisions by delegates at CUPE Conventions.

CUPE staff representatives are located in over 60 regional and area offices.

Contact Us

Shop Stewards

Shop Stewards are appointed and trained by the Local. They investigate and help resolve members issues or concerns in the workplace. Shop Stewards can help with:

  • Workplace conflicts
  • Unfair treatment including harassment
  • Sexual or racial harassment and homophobia
  • Being unpaid for the work that you do
  • Underpayment for overtime or shift work
  • Vacation, holiday or shiftwork scheduling
  • Being passed over for training
  • Being passed over for a promotion
  • Workplace health and safety problems
  • Unfair discipline or dismissal
  • Disagreement with actions taken by union

If you have a concern or issue that you would like to discuss with a Shop Steward, please contact the Chief Shop Steward and one of the following Shop Stewards will be assigned to you.

  • Chief Shop Steward: Richard Zimmer
  • Shop Steward: 
Contact Us


The Local has various committees that members may participate in during their employment. If you are interested in volunteering, please Contact Us.

Bargaining Committee

Consists of the Staff Representative and the Local's President, Vice President, and two members from the general membership. The function of this committee is to represent the priorities of the members at the bargaining table and negotiations.

  • Rachel Champagne (Staff Representative)
  • Joel Martin (President)
  • Meghan MacIsaac (Vice President)
  • Jeremy Auld (Local member)
  • Richard Zimmer (Local member)
  • Katy Mills (alternate Local member)

Communications Committee

Consists of members from the general membership. The function of this committee is to advise the membership of pertinent developments and matters of general interest. The committee reaches out to the membership through the website, social media, email, and bulletins in the workplace.

  • Ruth Millican
  • Katy Mills
  • Meghan MacIsaac

Grievance Committee

Consists of three appointed members of the general membership. The function of this committee shall be to ensure that the provisions of the collective agreement are enforced in a fair and equitable manner through the grievance procedure.

  • Richard Zimmer (Lead Shop Steward)

Social Committee

Consists of three appointed members of the general membership. The function of this committee is to encourage a social environment for the membership. The committee is responsible for organizing and running activities and events that allow our members to engage with one and other and creating a sense of togetherness.

Health and Safety Representative

Consists of one appointed member of the general membership. The Health and Safety Representative promotes and maintains the wellness of our members. The Local's representative sits on the City's Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee and advocates for the health and safety needs of the membership.


  • Michelle Baechler